Work with Us

We consider an aligned organisation to be one where each team member is in a clear and positive relationship with the organisation’s values, mission and vision, their own intuition, word and actions, and with their own role and the roles of others. 

However, if you are a part of a mission-driven organisation (big or small) you will know how hard that can be to achieve, considering the many challenges that can accompany social movement work. 

If you or your team are experiencing tension, mission drift, unclear communication and role confusion, we can help. Similarly, if your team is working well but wants to push the boundaries and explore what you can achieve next, we would love to support you.

What makes us unique?

We have hard won experience

We have years of experience working in complex, high-pressure, mission-driven organisations

We bring a holistic approach

We value wellbeing and bring a warm, supportive approach to any work we do and anyone we work with

We bring diverse perspectives

As two women of colour based in Cairo and London, we’re proud to bring an international and multicultural perspective rooted in our lived experience

We combine our expertise with cultural competency 

It’s hard to find experts out there with diverse perspectives and complementary skills in culture-building – but we do

We trust in the process

We let the process unfold, knowing that as the work continues we may find new and ongoing challenges – and that’s ok

We’ll make it fun!

We want our work to be enjoyable – and for yours to be too

We will value your expertise

We will be true partners in the work and listen to your needs as well as bring in our own perspectives and expertise

We won’t give you the hard sell 

We will only offer you the services we think you need 

We’ll go beyond best practice

As well as using tried and tested methods, we will work with you to experiment with what might be needed now and in the future.

Get in touch

If you are curious to find out more about working with us, please email and We work together or independently depending on the project – you are welcome to email one or both of us!